The Aliens compare their abductions of human beings to the actions of a paramedic strapping an individual to a gurney in rushing them to the emergency room. The action of a paramedic is to seek to save the individual from death, or further physical harm, Not to induce further physical harm.
Some wayward individuals do become so blind to their indoctrination of, or by the Aliens to seek avenues of reasoning that they can undertake to defend what the Aliens are doing to their communal members. The Aliens will even blindly compare those abductions to the actions of a paramedic when they strap an individual to a gurney and rush them to the emergency room for their own good. What is often overlooked by wayward humans that fall-prey-to such views is that the action of a paramedic is to seek to save the individual from death or further physical harm for their own good, not to induce further physical harm. Any wayward human beings that do fall-prey-to the trust of Aliens in any way, shape, or form:
• Will lose sight of God and His Godliness.
The Aliens do not like abducted wayward humans to have, or display a strong hatred, or anger against them.• Will lose sight of God being Jesus Christ and His Salvation. • Will take part in the helping to end the entirety of their planetary culture and freedom altogether. They do despise such emotions being used by the abducted wayward individuals. The Aliens play upon fear and use it as a tool to weaken the Abductees mentally and spiritually. Weaken them enough to introduce falsehoods into the sub-conscious levels of the mind. Human fear allows the Alien's powers to grow to overcome those abducted. Also one should not curse them. The Aliens do fear the Abductees might find out the truth about those doing the abducting/kidnapping.
• Which could cause enough stress, or question to endanger the control factor that the Aliens do deeply enjoy.
Most wayward human beings abducted are conscious when they are abducted by the Aliens.• Which could cause enough stress, or question to cause the Abductees to begin to more fully seek God. The Aliens prefer the conscious state. Conscious state allows:
• Access to the sub-conscious and inner-functionings of the mind of the abducted wayward individuals.
The Aliens place their victims of abduction in a hypnotic trance-like state giving the feeling of being paralyzed, so the abduction can easily take place. This hypnotic conscious state allows, aids, or even causes the abducted wayward human beings to become more open to hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion. • An easier handling of the abducted wayward individuals. • The abducted individual is aware of their senses. • Better success of implantation of information in the mind of the abducted wayward individuals. • Successful transfer of any introduced, or interjected false memory into the subconscious of the abducted wayward individuals. The Aliens cause the minds of the Abductees to become placed in trance-like state:
• To allow the trauma involved within the abduction experience to remain intact.
Allowing their Abductees to remain in a conscious state does allow them access to the sub-conscious and inner functionings of the mind. • To allow the impact of trauma to be considered to some extent as more acceptable to the Abductees. • To allow, aid, or even cause the Abductees to be more pliable physically. • To allow, aid, or even cause the Abductees to become more open to hypnotic and post-hypnotic suggestion. It also does allow them to attain a greater degree of understanding immediately into their experimental success with Abductees in general. Time is a constant that the Aliens cannot do anything about. The abducted wayward humans are often returned by the Aliens to the same place where they were originally abducted from, to help establish some form of justification for the period of time during the abduction. This does cause the abducted human's mind to naturally focus its memory on the last occurrence that took place before the abduction took place. This does establish a line of memory that can form self-doubt to help deter the abducted human's mind from centering on the abduction experience. The Aliens use such to distort memory and time within their abduction of wayward human beings. The Aliens put what appear to be probes, or implants into the physical bodies of certain wayward humans they abduct. They do such undertakings to keep track of the whereabouts and goings-on of certain of those humans they abduct.
• Some probes or implants are used to track Abductees and their movements within certain areas of the planet.
The fact that the Aliens do such things against one's will does demonstrate their real intent and respect for human beings.• Some probes or implants are used to track Abductees and their movements anywhere that they might go upon the planet. • Some probes, or implants are more sophisticated, and used to not only track Abductees and their movements, but also to manipulate them physically, or mentally. • Some probes, or implants are even more sophisticated, and used to totally control the Abductees. The Aliens use in-personal tracking probes (orbs) to investigate and keep track of the whereabouts and goings-on of certain wayward humans they do abduct, as well as to investigate matters, events, or happenings involving surrounding that may have a bearing, or concern upon their planned endeavors on wayward planets, including the seeking out of possible humans to abduct. In-personal tracking probes (orbs):
• Can actually be tied into the mind of an Alien.
• Can run mentally with the use of their thoughts from spacecrafts. • Can project holographic images of them, or a variety of other things. • Can enable them to somewhat intermingle and transpose the physical or mental world of wayward human beings. The Aliens do target some of the same wayward humans because:
• They consider and know those humans are easier targets.
• They are already weak targets. • They have already been made weaker by their previous encounters. • They are already indoctrinated by previous encounters. • They are already demoralized to some extent by previous encounters. • They are disbelieved to some extent by others concerning previous encounters. • They have proven to be a viable subject in previous encounters. • They have unfinished experimentations from previous encounters. The Aliens are most able to abduct wayward human beings that have little or no actual understanding of God, Godliness, God being Jesus Christ, Good and evil. There are five (5) types of wayward human beings that are considered by the Aliens as the best candidates for abduction. -1- Wayward humans that are not stouthearted (true-to-faith) Christians. It would draw attention to those Angels that do watch over God's planned workings upon this planet if an Alien tried to abduct a stouthearted Christian. The Aliens do not want to directly do anything to draw God's anger or wrath upon them, because stouthearted Christians are protected by God. -2- Wayward humans that have little or no deep understanding of God, Godliness, God being Jesus Christ, Good and evil. Wayward humans that have little or no deep understanding of God, Godliness, God being Jesus Christ, Good and evil also:
• Will have little or no protection by God.
Such wayward humans are good prospects, and more open to experimentations mentally or physically within their abduction experience.• Will have little or no deep understanding of their selves. • Will have little or no deep understanding of the Aliens being "children" of the Fallen Angels. • Will have little or no deep understanding of the Aliens true evil intent and nature. • Will have little or no deep understanding of what evil is being done to them. • Will have little or no protection from the evil undertaken on them by the Aliens. Even the Aliens know that if evil can be looked upon and accepted by wayward humans as as being good, even within their everyday life, so can those same humans become more open to their abduction experience. -3- Wayward humans which are very healthy. Such does give them a greater possibility of finding more suitable candidates to perform different experimentations upon. -4- Wayward humans that are mentally normal (not mentally ill) community members, and also already bonded within communal ties. Normal community members are far less troublesome. Allowing the Aliens more freedom within their experimentations upon abducted wayward human beings. -5- Wayward humans that would draw less attention to themselves, or the abduction. In not yet being allowed by God to make open contact with a planet's general inhabitants, secrecy is of the utmost importance. Choosing wayward humans that do draw less attention to their selves, or the abduction does safeguard this secrecy. Most wayward human beings are too weak, or do not know how to avoid being abducted, or even to say no! True-to-faith Christian believers and followers have at their disposal two most special words to assist them... JESUS CHRIST in unfeigned faith. The lukewarm Christians are easy targets for abduction by Aliens.
• Such individuals do not truly know in their hearts that Jesus Christ Is God.
Therefore, their faith is not full, nor true. They do not have the ability to have any full protection from the Holy Ghost.• Such individuals also do not truly know God, nor do they have faith in God being the Holy Ghost. • Such individuals do reject the Ten Commandments of Righteousness. Being religious, or religious-minded does not stop Aliens from abducting wayward human beings. A wayward human can become abducted, if not accorded religiously with God being Jesus Christ. If a human is truly and religiously in accord with God being Jesus Christ and His Righteousness, they cannot become abducted. It has been recorded that Aliens have sought to abduct Christians, but those abduction attempts have been averted by those human beings that have without fear called upon the name of JESUS CHRIST in true unfeigned faith. Aliens can only gain success over Christians that lay claim to the hope of being born again, yet aren't really born again as they believe. The Aliens do not like to abduct human beings that have a strong relationship with God, because those individuals do have the ability to see the Aliens for who they actually are, and their relationship with God cannot be broken no matter what the individuals seemingly experience. Those Aliens also do risk the chance of coming in direct conflict and confrontation with God's Angels, or even God, if they try to abduct human beings that have a strong relationship with God. They do not want to chance that, nor face the consequences. Abductions of wayward planetary human beings will be allowed by God as long as this, or any wayward planetary society does continue to choose their wicked paths of waywardness, evilness, the debasing of their given glories, themselves, God, and His Godliness. The Aliens do continue to abduct wayward humans until they are fully stopped with, and by the finalization and completion of God's planned workings on earth, which is Jesus Christ's return to the planet. Wayward human beings cannot ask why from God, if they choose disobedience to God. Not all abduction are involuntary. There are many wayward humans that secretly yearn for an encounter with Aliens to take place without actually knowing, or understanding what they are getting their selves into. When it does take place, it is too late to change their minds! Wayward humans that secretly yearn for an encounter with the Aliens/Extraterrestrials to take place are blind, or misguided. These humans are so blind or misguided that they desire for an encounter to take place:
• Without actually knowing or understanding who the Aliens are.
Yet they still desire for an abduction encounter with the Aliens to take place.• Without actually knowing or understanding what the Alien's intent is. • Without actually knowing or understanding what will happen to them. • Without actually knowing or understanding the reality or affects of the abduction experience in any real detail. • Without actually knowing or understanding what they are going to get themselves into. • Without actually knowing or understanding the effects it will have on their immediate surroundings, or future existence. In secretly yearning for such an encounter:
• Those wayward humans do inadvertently allow themselves to become blinded by their yearning to Not know, or understand the depth of what they could or would actually be getting themselves into.
Also allowing their senses and natural abilities to become weaken to make themselves less able, willing to avoid, or deter such an encounter.
• Those wayward humans do allow their subconscious to invite the Aliens to abduct them. Also make them less able, willing to avoid, or deter such an encounter, if the opportunity arises.
The cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels (Aliens) are creating a massive delusion in representing themselves as Alien beings from different worlds.• Those wayward humans do allow for their yearnings to become prospective Abductees.
• A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to inter-mix some minor amounts of truth with a greater amount of cunningly portrayed inaccuracies and lies.
Misinformation and disinformation implanted in the minds and hearts of Abductees (against their will) and Contactees (willingly associated). With a goal that the general populace will be unable to sight their actual intentions, or the reality of their actual intentions by the time their agenda is fully consummated (and allowed by God) upon the planet.• A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to design, play upon, and portray to wayward humans and communities of the planet the hope for salvation through the existence and aid of other intelligent life forms within the universe (during the planet's more advanced and technological years). • A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to forgo the Truth to instead help promote the lie that inter-planetary association is possible just for the asking with no moral, or social barriers. • A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to exploit mankind's blindness of, and towards its creativity in many ways (such as the existence of the planet came into being by chance, and not by God). • A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to promote and misrepresent their influence, and picture themselves as being behind the changes that have occur upon the planet throughout time. • A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to characterize themselves as being so advanced that they have the necessary and correct answers for this planet's future. • A delusion where the Aliens do and have sought to define and defend their misrepresentations as having no real personal agenda except for curiosity, study, helpfulness, or some other rationality outside of personal gain. The Contactees are used by the Aliens as tools to more directly put forth and establish admixtures of truths and lies. And the Abductees are used by the Aliens as tools for the purpose of testing, experimenting with, and play. The Aliens pretty much know if the human they target will make a good subject for their agenda, or what part of their agenda that the human is, or is not suited for. Some humans are just not considered suitable enough by the Aliens to become abducted. Any sane human being will never consider that being kidnapped (abducted) against one's will, being physically violated in ways to experience awful and painful physical, or mental procedures, being lied to, and given screen memories, being paralyzed, or even manipulated and controlled is a good thing, or for one's own good. If intelligent life elsewhere within the universe does kidnap our individuals against their will, does physically violate them, does allow them to experience awful and painful physical, or mental procedures under a guise of their considered stud,y or science, does lie to, and induce screen memories in their efforts to manipulate and control, then what have we learnt about that intelligent life that exist elsewhere within the universe, except that it does not respect human life upon this planet. Anyone that abducts/kidnaps another against their will has an agenda! The Aliens are kidnappers because they abduct wayward human beings against their will to cause physical harm. The Aliens are thieves because they always take something from each human they abduct. The Aliens are murderers because they always kill something within each human they abduct. The Aliens are physical and spiritual rapists because of a loss and felt change that most victims of abductions do face, and have to live with following the traumas of their encounters. To accept and explain away these ungodly acts against fellow humans by the Aliens, you should also accept and explain away the kidnapping, thievery, murderer, or rapist of an individual by one of earth's own individuals... it's no different! The Aliens will curb the number of wayward humans they abduct for a short period of time. And only do so because either:
• They are about to establish more open contact with the general population of the planet.
• To more firmly establish their agenda in some firmer way, shape, or form. • If their immediate undertakings and abductions of wayward humans is receiving overall to much attention in a negative fashion openly. • If their undertakings and abductions of wayward humans is not sufficiently affording the protection of the lies that they are, or will be introducing. Although the number of actual abduction cases undertaken by the Aliens will drop substantially as Open Contact does become a reality, they do continue to seek to abduct wayward human beings. The Aliens feel they must continue to abduct wayward humans in their faint hope they will successfully find out how to create a body for themselves with a Soul. The degree of success or failure that the Aliens are able to attain upon any wayward planetary society is fully dependant upon the degree of waywardness accorded by the planet's inhabitants. The Aliens do successfully employ their early wayward endeavors without many wayward individuals, or their communities knowing what the Aliens are doing, or even of the Alien presence, because of the existing acceptance of sin that wayward individuals do choose to accord. Anything not of God becomes more possible when one does lose sight of God and His Godliness. Wayward human beings find it easier to stay close and remain a slave to the adverse effects of sin more than disciplining oneself to the good things of God, His Righteous Godliness, which is the Missing Link they were initially created in... God's Righteous Goodness, especially God and His Godliness being Jesus Christ. The best way to stop abductions before it takes place is to personally claim, and stoutheartedly follow God being Jesus Christ and His Righteousness now and forevermore. An Abduction cannot be stopped once it is taking place. The individual must begin now to alter their immediate lifestyle unto God's Godliness by using the tools of Righteousness, the Ten Commandments to overcome sin, and use the abilities and powers (Holy Spirit) that God offers to all of mankind through Himself being Jesus Christ. Page 1
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 2) of Human Beings Alien Abductions ![]() ![]() ![]() |