![]() The Bible is God's special vehicle for the making known of His efforts to redeem the inhabitants on wayward planetary societies:
• Through His Physical initiation of Salvation Personally upon the planet.
• Through the making known of how the wayward can attain Salvation upon the planet. • Through the making known of His Physical fulfillment of Salvation Personally upon the planet. The Aliens (cloned "children" of Fallen Angels) are deeply opposed to the Bible because it is the written vehicle that God did cause to become created to record the information that can afford the wayward needed knowledge, ability, and power to truly be able to attain Salvation from God Personally for the gaining of Eternal Life. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") are greatly opposed to the King James record of the Bible. The King James Bible has been distinctly caused by God to have become a written and recorded vehicle dictating to mankind information of history and prophecy concerning Himself, His Godliness, and important dictated & directed information of His Personal Physical Visitation made unto man to allow the wayward needed knowledge, ability, and power to truly be able to attain His Personal Promise of Salvation and Eternal Living Life as Sons of God. The Aliens do seek to cause for the wayward upon the planet to become so blinded unto the very content of the Bible that they do become unable to truly:
• Know of the existence of God's Salvation.
• Know of the information concerning how to attain God's Salvation. • Know the Physically & Spiritual ingredients that make-up God's Salvation. • Sight the reality of God's Salvation in action. • Sight the actuality of how God does initiate, establish, and fulfill Salvation. • Sight God's Personal fulfillment of Salvation Physically in a Personal Visitation of Himself. The Aliens do seek to attack the King James Bible through the usage of various versions of the King James documents that do hide, eliminate, or do employ factors of misinformation that do seek to subtly distort its content just enough that individuals do become more blind, or begin to question very important information which are facts of God's Salvation that prevents their destruction. The Aliens (clones) are very opposed to any existence that does truly:
• Seek to know, or sight the actuality of God's Good.
Such opposition comes from the fact that the Aliens know that it is in God's knowledge and His understanding of what is, or what is not Good that allows any existence of intellectual life to become able to survive in the universe for long-term (eternally).• That allows God's Good to become known & sighted. • That becomes able to know God's Good. Because the Aliens do not accept the assimilation of God's knowledge of what is Good, or what is not Good established in, and surrounding their entire being, so do they realize that their existence is limited to a mere short-term existence by God. God does initially create all His Children with the ability to share & partake:
• In a common view of Good.
In knowing this, Aliens do initiate undertakings amongst the individuals & communities that do deeply mimic these commonalities of Good enough to afford the knowledge of Good to become sighted while at the same time disregarding the actual knowing, or following of God's Good and the Goodness that they are able to see.• In a common desire to do Good. • In a common realization of the Good within their creativity. • In a common simplicity of Good being attached to their existence. • In a common knowledge of their ability to do Good. • In a common understanding of a Good that surrounds them to affect, or even assist their existence to various degrees. Most all individuals do share to some extent many common realities & lessons when it comes to things concerning Good. In knowing this, Aliens do initiate undertakings amongst select individuals & communities that do mimic the commonalities of Good, affording enough of the knowledge of Good to be introduced while at the very same time disregarding the actuality of Good and its effect upon others within their existence. The Aliens then become more able to cause for individuals to distort the reality of Good among individuals, and cause for them to become:
• Blinded unto the full knowledge of Good and Goodness that is God.
• Blinded unto the full knowledge only God is truly Good. • Blinded unto the full reality of God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto their direction for truly knowing Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto their direction for personally knowing God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the Good and Goodness of God's Godliness that did create them. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of their creativity in Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the unseen power of God's Good and Goodness Himself that does surround them, and does affect and assist their existence to survive. All political views do share to extents many common realities & lessons when it comes to things concerning Good. In knowing this, Aliens do initiate undertakings amongst select individuals & communities that politically do mimic the commonalities of Good enough to afford Goodness to be seen while at the same time disregarding the actual knowing, or truly following of Good and Goodness to deep degrees within existence. The Aliens then become more able to cause the outlooks, or mannerism of, or in those political views to become:
• Blinded unto the full knowledge of Good and Goodness that is God.
• Blinded unto the full knowledge only God is truly Good. • Blinded unto the full reality of God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto their direction for truly knowing Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto their direction for personally knowing God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the Good and Goodness of God's Godliness that did create them. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of their creativity in Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the unseen power of God's Good and Goodness Himself that does surround them, and does affect and assist their existence to survive. Most all religions do share unto some extent many common realities & lessons when it comes to things concerning Good. In knowing this, Aliens do initiate undertakings amongst select individuals & communities that religiously do mimic the commonalities of Good enough to afford Goodness to be seen while at the same time disregarding the actual knowing, or truly following of Good and Goodness to deep degrees within existence. The Aliens then become more able to cause the outlooks or mannerism of, or in those religious views to become:
• Blinded unto the full knowledge of Good and Goodness that is God.
• Blinded unto the full knowledge only God is truly Good. • Blinded unto the full reality of God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto their direction for truly knowing Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto their direction for personally knowing God's Good and Goodness beheld in His Godliness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the Good and Goodness of God's Godliness that did create them. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of their creativity in Good and Goodness. • Blinded unto the full knowledge of the unseen power of God's Good and Goodness Himself that does surround them, and does affect and assist their existence to survive. The Aliens do know that it is Good which is responsible for the securing the success attained within creation. They are very opposed to any existence that does truly seek to know Good. They seek as best they can to distort the Good that all existence is attached to. The Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) do have an aversion towards anyone, or anything that is able to allow the Salvation of God to become sighted, or gained by the wayward. Christianity is God's special vehicle for the undertaken of His Visitation on wayward planets as a Physical Man for the important purposes of:
• Personally suffering Himself Physically the pain of sin for the entirety of mankind on the planet.
Something that only God can do.• Personally establishing within a Physical display His Salvation for the entirety of mankind on the planet. • Personally establishing within a Physical display the fulfillment of His Promised Eternal Living Life for the entirety of mankind on the planet. The Aliens are very opposed to any religion that can make it easy for wayward individual to be truly able to have a Way in which they can see, know, and learn how to overcome sin, and become able to gain the Salvation of God for Eternal Living Life. The Church is created by God as the vehicle that God does cause to become formed upon wayward planets for the representing and protection:
• Of all the individuals that are not blood-lined members of God's Chosen People upon wayward planets.
• Of all the individuals that follow God in the Grace of His fulfilled Visit Physically being Jesus Christ on wayward planet. The Aliens do seek to cause for individuals that have been given charge within the Church to feel confident enough of their responsibilities and power within the Church to devise and lay claims to the Glory of God that seek to bring demise to the Church. In doing so, they are causing for individuals to become 'cold', or 'lukewarm' enough:
• To become blind unto the actuality of God's Existence surrounding His Trinity.
The Aliens do not, nor are they allowed to seek a complete destruction of the Church.• To feel that they can continually sin without Repentance. • To adulterously intermix other religious views & beliefs of God with Christ. • To introduce endeavors that are built upon Satan's temptations that can, or do seek to attack, test, and possibly sway individuals within Christianity. The Aliens do seek to cause for the wayward upon the planet to become so blinded unto many of the things that do make-up, or stand for Christianity. The blindness within Christianity does become less able to offer individuals:
• The chance to attain God's Personal Salvation.
The blindness within Christianity does become less able to Truly sight:• Offer individuals the Physically & Spiritual ingredients that make-up God's Salvation. • Offer individuals the ability to know God Personally and truly attain His Personal protection within Salvation.
• God's Personal establishment of Salvation Physically in a Visitation of Himself being Jesus Christ.
The blindness within Christianity does become less able to spread:• God's Personal establishment of Eternal Living Life Physically in a Visitation of Himself being Jesus Christ.
• The actuality of God's Salvation throughout their planet.
The blindness within Christianity does become less able to realize:• The actuality of God's Personally fulfilled Eternal Living Life through Jesus Christ throughout their planet.
• The Aliens for who they actually are.
• The actions and activities of the Aliens for what they actually are. • How to deter, or fight against the actions and activities of the Aliens. The Aliens seek to blind as many individuals as possible within Christianity of having their view of a Soul blurred and distracted with a variety of distortions and lies that make individuals less aware:
• That the Soul only exists because God did apply His likened Spiritual make-up within the physical creation of planetary individuals as being One existence within the make-up of their physical mind & body known as a Soul.
The Aliens seek to blind as many individuals as possible within Christianity to be less aware of what true value the Soul has.• That the Soul is not the entirety of the spiritual make-up of their spirit that affords their physical existence to be living. • That the Soul is a separate make-up of their spirit that permanently records every action, thought, or deed encountered by their spirit. Aliens ("children" of the Fallen Angels) seek the introduction of vehicles into Christianity that do blind individuals in such a way:
• That they do accept the existence of God's physical creativity of them.
But at the same time do to some degree reject:• That they do accept the existence of God's physical creativity of them as having something special that has made them greater than the common creature. • That they do to different extents accord views of God's creation of a Soul as being the special vehicle that has made them greater than the common creature.
• As fact that it was God Personally being Jesus Christ that Physically fulfill Salvation and His Promise for Eternal Living Life in His Resurrection from death.
• As fact that only God Physically being Jesus Christ could ever Resurrect Himself from death. • As fact that only God Physically being Jesus Christ could ever suffer the pains of both sin & Hell to become Resurrected from death. The Aliens seek to use & cause for lukewarm elements within Christianity to form less ability for sighting realities of God's Existence. In their according of other considered views, or beliefs of a god that seems to find some close resemblance to God's Being & reality that leaders within Christianity do allow to go unquestioned, unchallenged, or even be ignored. The Aliens are then more able to introduce even far greater deceptions that do serve to also dupe Christian followers into becoming blind enough to either:
• Become less able to sight and know God Personally.
• Become less able to sight and know God Physically. • Become less able to sight and know God Spiritually. • Become less able to sight the Power and Ability of God Personally. • Become less able to believe the full Power and Ability of God Personally. • Become less able to have, or attain the full Power and Ability of God Personally. • Becomes less able to sight the full reality of God. • Become less able to sight true Godly pathways. • Become less able to follow true Godly pathways. • Become less able to have, or attain God's given Salvation. The Aliens do seek to attack Christianity with an assortment of evil tools. In efforts to subtly bring about the demise and destruction of Christianity through the causing for Christianity to adopt views that form avenues to allow for greater disbelief and rejections of the things that Christianity is suppose to hold to. The Aliens do fully realize that only God is able to Personally undertake the things needed to establish, or bring forth any Salvation. Nor is Salvation, or Eternal Living Life secured through having a disregard for the Repentance to God that was initially needed to gain Salvation. The Aliens seek to use and cause for leaders of lukewarm views within Christianity to establish their formed values upon Salvation that disregard the Repentance that is needed to continue overcoming sin to secure their Salvation. The Aliens (clones) do fully realize that GOD's Trinity does actually exist. The Aliens seek to use and cause for leaders of lukewarm views within Christianity to put forth concepts that misdirect Christian attitudes towards GOD's Trinity that do keep them less able to physically acknowledge the Existence of God that is the Father, the Holy Ghost, and the Son! The Aliens do seek to introduce many blinding views and beliefs that will allow for the wayward to accept, or accord that there is a God, but at the same time disassociate themselves from views, or beliefs that do portray His Existence as their Father, or Creator. The Aliens do seek to introduce many blinding views and beliefs that will allow for the wayward to accept, or accord that there is a God, but at the same time disassociate themselves from views, or beliefs that do portray His Existence as a Holy Spirit that is the Power God used to surround creation with. The Aliens do seek to introduce many blinding views and beliefs that will allow for the wayward to accept, or accord that there is a God, but at the same time disassociate themselves from views, or beliefs that do portray any reality of God Personally manifested in Physical Form exhibited as Jesus Christ. The very foundation on which Christians know God Spiritually is through His Physical Visitation being Jesus Christ. The Aliens do seek to cause for Christians to form subtle views, or beliefs that seek to sustain subtle doubts concerning this Physical Visitation that inadvertently do become used to reject God as being Jesus Christ Physically manifested, so that as many Christians as possible will:
• Not allow them to truly, or fully sight the complete reality of God within His Trinity.
• Not allow them to also sight the Image of God within them. • Not allow them to truly, or fully face their creativity, existence, and purpose upon the planet, or within the universe. • Not allow them to truly, or fully find the pathway in which to most fully understand their creativity, existence, or purpose upon the planet, or within the universe. • Not allow them to be truly, or fully able to attain the complete knowledge and power of/in their creativity, existence, or purpose upon the planet or within the universe. • Not allow them to be truly, or fully able to attain God's given Salvation through Jesus Christ. • Not allow them to be truly, or fully able to attain Eternal Living Life. • Not allow them to be truly, or fully able to become Sons of God. Religion does seek to at least direct individuals unto some sort of a realization of a God, or even of what is a form of Good and evil, so do Aliens seek to employ the use of their formed religious aids to assist the advancement of their agenda through implementing beliefs upon planets that can become used for blinding the individual from seeing, or being able to realize, or even sighting the truth, understanding, and reality of: GOD
• As being Everything that does exist.
Good• As being the Creator of existence. • As being the Creator of everything that exist. • As being man's Creator. • As being All-Knowing. • As being able to do anything. • As being Eternal, the Beginning & End.
• As being Something that does truly exist.
Sin• As being Something that has Power. • As being the Something that did create everything. • As being the only Thing that brings full success. • As being the only Thing that allows God's Existence to be seen. • As being the one Thing that distinguishes the future of mankind's existence.
• As being something that was devised and initiated first by Satan.
• As being something that does truly exist. • As being something that does seek their demise & destruction. • As being something that they did initiate. • As being something that restricts them from truly being Good. • As being something that restricts them from seeing what is Good. God does use the Jewish faith as a religion for:
• Making known His Being to wayward individuals upon the planet.
• Making known the Good of His Godliness to wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known what sin is to wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known the grave reality and results of sin to wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known His Redemption from sin that affords success for wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known His Forgiveness from sin to wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known His Salvation from sin to wayward individuals upon the planet. • Making known of His Visitation through which God manifests His Judgment of sin to provide Eternal Life to wayward individuals upon the planet. The Aliens seek to introduce into the hearts & minds of Jewish leadership distorted views of God's planned workings and usage of them. Which does cause for many of the followers of the Jewish religion and God's work within them: To Question
• Their faith & belief in God.
To Be Less Able• Their faith & belief in the Good of God's Godliness. • Their faith & belief in God's Commandments. • Their faith & belief in their history. • Their faith & belief in the Bible. • Their faith & its belief in their specialty to God and His planned workings amongst them.
• To sight the truth of God's planned workings within them.
• To sight the truth of God's Visitation being fulfilled through & within them. • To sight the importance & truth of God's Commandments exacted amongst them. • To sight the importance & truth of God's Word being Physically manifested and fulfilled within them. • To sight the importance & truth of God's Redemption and Salvation being Physically manifested and fulfilled within them.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 2) Alien Behavior ![]() ![]() ![]() |