![]() The Aliens (cloned "children" of the Fallen Angels) do have what can be termed as a sense of humor, but it is far different than what is considered by wayward individuals to be humor. The Aliens do have a form of humor that does border upon the usage of evil to poke fun at the things having Goodly standard. Humor to the Aliens does often rely on morbid, macabre, or to some extent even perverse standards that even the wayward would not seek to undertake, or hold. The Aliens do have a form of humor that does seek to make fun of the moral or social values that mankind does attach themselves to, or even within their communities. The Aliens do not have moral standards to use or place their social content within as mankind does have for their existence. Aliens do not use morality as an attitude of social compliance to secure the betterment of their existence. The Aliens grow-up within social atmospheres that do not have to recognize morality as an attitude for social compliance needed for their survival (unlike mankind). Alien humor is not constraint by any real moral or social mechanism becoming placed upon them within their survival. In that their demise & destruction is assured upon Judgment Day, so do the Aliens have no actual:
• Physical or spiritual reason to rely upon any moral, or social mechanism upon which to display any emotion in humor.
• Physical or spiritual hopes for their eternal survival within the universe.
The Aliens have no Soul. The Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally, and has only been afforded mankind created by God. The Aliens are created by Fallen Angels with some degree of personal freedom that allows them to exercise individualism upon their own, but not as freely as their Fallen Angel creators. The Aliens are very limited in their ability and freedom to exercise their individualism or thoughts. The Aliens are limited by God because of their undertaken sin amongst the wayward. The Aliens are very limited by their Fallen Angel creators to make choices which might go to far in coming in conflict with their Agenda, or following of Satan. The Aliens are limited by Satan, because of his desire to hold complete control over their very existence. The Aliens have never cared about having Freedom to exercise any individualism.
• Nor do they understand the having of personal freedoms to be an individual.
• Nor do they want to have personal freedom to be able to truly exercise individualism within their existence. A couple of Aliens have sought to exercise forms of individualism, but they had long ago been forced into submission by Satan in one fashion or another. The Aliens (created clones) do have scientific understanding that does seem vast indeed to many of the planets wayward individuals. Yet in actuality, their science is not something they gained through the usage of their brought forth intellect. The Aliens are not very intelligent. The abilities in scientific understanding that the Aliens have has not prospered to afford them prosperity since the Aliens were initially created with no room for growth intellectually. The Alien's intellect, or knowledge within the scientific abilities they may seem to have, has not advanced in multi-millions of years. The Aliens do have technological understanding that does seem vast, and are desirous to many of wayward planets individuals. Yet in actuality, the technology is not something they gained through the usage of their brought forth intellect. The Aliens are not very intelligent. The abilities in technological understanding that the Aliens have has not prospered to afford them prosperity since the Aliens were initially created with no room for growth intellectually. The Alien's intellect or knowledge within the technology abilities they may seem to have has not advanced in multi-millions of years. The Aliens have always had from their very beginnings an access to the intellect of those things in science and technology that relate to the universe, but do not have the intellectual ability or freedom to master that intellect enough to better their own being. The Aliens are clones that have a physical being in existence that does have the ability to remain intact for up to 1000 years. As long as the Aliens do not become too overzealous in their undertakings with the inhabitants of a wayward planetary society, God does allow for them to retain the life-span of 1000 years through the process of cloning. A cloned body they create for themselves ranges between 60-140 years before it does become of little use. The Aliens have long-term life-spans that is greater than mankind, but they lack having a Soul for an eternal existence. They must face the occurrence of their inevitable death. The Aliens have to always live with the fact that when dealing with wayward individuals they are bound to mandates dictated not only by God, but by even their Fallen Angel "parents"/creators. If any Alien is found to ignore the guidelines that they are expected to observe, or become overzealous in their Agenda on the planet, then they will be forced to suffer retribution by their Fallen Angel "parent"/creator, or by God. The Aliens and their Fallen Angel "parents"/creators have to always live with a threat to their physical being dictated by God. If they become too overzealous in their treatment, or undertakings with wayward individuals, they will have their ability to exist physically taken away forever, to become forced to live out their existence chained entirely in and to the spiritual realm. Then the Alien or the Fallen Angel "parent" does remain in a continual spiritual limbo with only spiritual things to interact with until Judgment Day with:
• No hope of ultimately averting spiritual death.
The Fallen Angel that created the Alien will immediately seek to take action upon any Alien to end their life if an Alien becomes too overzealous in their treatment, or undertakings with wayward individuals to avoid any retribution by God. If the Alien is not dealt with, then God will step in to take away the physical abilities of both the Alien directly responsible and the Fallen Angel that did produce him.• No hope to ever again attain a physical body again. • No hope of ultimately averting physical death. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") are not., nor have they ever been moral creatures. The Aliens were Not created by their Fallen Angel "parents" with physical needs, or the ability for being creatures of moral capacity. Due to the fact that like their Fallen Angel "parents" that did create them, Aliens do not have a Soul by which they can relate morality to. The Aliens consider any creature that has moral desires, or that does recognize moral needs as being weak minded creatures. The Aliens look upon morality as being separate from the existence of any knowledge. They do limit their ability to structure knowledge:
• So as to more beneficially employ the knowledge they have.
• So as they can correctly sight and secure the possibilities of what they do not have. The Aliens do Not sight morality as having anything to do with survival. They cannot sight the fact that morality is what inter-acts with intelligence for satisfying survival needs. The Aliens do Not view morality as having anything to do with thought, nor the thought process that uses moral clarity to secure the entire usefulness of thought. The Aliens do Not have moral perceptiveness or boundaries by which to allow them to accord the importance of morality at all. The Aliens do not view technology as having any need of morality in its use. They do end-up restricting most of the technology they have and follow with applications that hold less benefit to the outcome in creativity and results in their usage of their technology. The Aliens need having other beings like themselves to let them know that they are not alone. This is the only form of companionship they need. The Aliens (clones) have needs to nourish their physical bodies, but are not satisfied through the eating of hard foods as human beings do understand. The Aliens have no need to protect themselves from creatures like human beings, nor do they have to create a way to be able to protect themselves from human beings. They are in actuality most able to protect themselves from any planetary creature, even from anything that wayward creatures of man could ever seek to possibly do unto them. Parental Likeness Like their Fallen Angel "parents", the Aliens do follow pathways and interest to where they seek to use their knowledge, abilities, or powers to influence the wayward with ever deeper avenues of blindness that will:
• Increase the already initiated sin that exists.
Like their Fallen Angel "parents", the Aliens do become both treated equal & subject to the same destiny and fate.• Alter the livelihood and existence of wayward human beings forever. • Cause vast disruptions and needless destruction to the overall existence of wayward human beings. The Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") have very little freedom to direct or alter their own destiny. The Aliens had long ago submitted to, or been forced into a submission by Satan in one fashion or another to not be able to control, or be able to direct their destiny. In not having this ability for so long, the Aliens no longer care about having such. Nor do they:
• Understand the loss of having the ability to control their destiny.
They became unable, and not allowed by Satan the freedom to do so within their following of Satan into perdition.• Understand having such desires. • Really want such personal freedom to be able to fully control and direct their destiny. The Aliens have for so long been unable to control, or alter their destiny:
• They no longer have any real understanding of how to control or alter their destiny.
All of which is always reinforced by Satan.• They are very content with not being able to control or alter their destiny. • They believe to control or alter their destiny shows signs of weakness, and not strength. • They have no more use of, or need for controlling or altering their destiny. The Aliens, like their Fallen Angel "parents" have established their doomed fate in Hell on Judgment Day because of their taken direction and actions amongst wayward individuals. The Aliens cannot alter their fate simply because of one important factor: Their Fallen Angel "parents" do Not and will Not have any ability that does allow them to create a Soul. They are Not able to create their Alien "children" with a Soul that could afford them the ability or desire to truly seek to attain Goodly mannerisms. The Soul is the vehicle to exist eternally that has only been afforded to mankind created by God. The Aliens cannot attain an existence that can truly be eternal, because the Aliens were Not created with a Soul, like their Fallen Angel "parents". The Aliens cannot avert their fate of doom, or Judgment and Hell. They choose and prefer to misuse their given abilities, powers, and knowledge for the spreading of evil to degrees where the destruction of Good is the evidence that is promoted by whatever actions they take on planets. Their actions do also seal the fate for many wayward planetary members upon those societies unto destruction. God is most unforgiving in such a deep misuse and destruction to His planned workings, especially to God's creation of planetary Children. Because the Aliens did choose:
• To align the usage of their abilities, powers, and knowledge with Satan over God...
So did they doom themselves by and unto the very sin that they introduced the wayward to.• To misuse their abilities, powers, and knowledge amongst God's created planetary Children... • To use their abilities, powers, and knowledge to challenge the authority and power of God... It is not so much the challenging of God, or His Authority and Power that does seal their fate. There is nothing at all in the universe that can even come close to truly challenging God. But to challenge God's Authority and Power always puts in jeopardy the successful outcome of existence for any intelligent creature. God then becomes forced to implement more stringent plans, endeavors, and undertakings to Save individuals from those particular planetary societies from complete blindness and destruction. The Aliens do have guidelines given to them by God. Those guidelines are meant to be used as statutes designed and given to them as exacted guidelines and tools for any dealings with, or being around any wayward individuals. The statutes will aid in bringing about a demise of God's creativity He has placed upon planetary societies, or even within the universe, if not strictly accorded. God does not, nor will He rectify any breakage of those statutes given the Aliens. All Aliens are ultimately condemned to Hell. God condemns the Aliens to Hell because of their given assistance to Satan in the introduction of temptations of sin amongst the individuals on wayward planets. Both the individuals and communities upon such planets become subject to an immediate and future consequence in deeper degrees of sin that allows deeper degrees of destruction, because of such activities. The Aliens have a Judgment Day where their existence and destiny has already been judged to be death. The Aliens have to face the same judgment by God as wayward human beings. The Aliens have no hope of altering their future in having to face God's Judgment. The Aliens know:
• God will Not forgive them for the choice they have made long ago to follow, and take part in Satan's given damnation unto hell.
In that the Aliens (Satan's kingdom of cloned "children") are beings that Fallen Angels do create:• God will Not forgive them for the folly that they have brought forth upon the planets that God has created in the universe. • God will Not forgive them for the destruction that their folly has brought forth upon the planets that God has created in the universe. • God will Not forgive them for the grave alterations that their folly has brought forth to God's planned workings upon planets within the universe. • God will Not forgive them for the death that their folly has brought forth upon individuals created upon planetary societies in the universe. • God will Not forgive them for the virtual loss of planetary Children to aid God in His planned workings upon planetary societies in the universe.
• To be like themselves...
So are the Aliens considered by God to be equal to Fallen Angels.• To represent their image... • To spread their views and blindness... • To follow their lost grace in folly... • To seek the demise and destruction of mankind created by God... The Aliens do actually follow after the direction of those things of sin that Satan desires, even though they do often form deceptions that do often allude to otherwise. The Aliens (from their very beginnings) are deeply attached and involved with the promoting of undertakings that surround sin amongst wayward individuals upon planets, so has that sin that they promote become a habit that they accept. The Aliens hold pious attitudes against any intelligent creature other than themselves. Aliens do consider themselves as having a heritage from Angelic roots in their being the "children" of Fallen Angels.
• To continually undertake the cloning of new physical bodies for them to inhabit.
• To continually undertake the cloning of new physical bodies for them to survive. • To continually undertake the cloning of new physical bodies for them to continue their species. In all the knowledge, or even the ability within the technology of cloning that they do hold, and were afforded by their Fallen Angel "parents", the Aliens do not have any sexual organs that can produce a physical likeness of their being to exist in the universe. The Fallen Angels were not created with a Soul, neither are they able to create their Alien "children" with a Soul. Only those creatures that have a Soul are ever able to attain a long-term existence from God that is Eternal. The Aliens were made aware of their need, and of how important a Soul was shortly after their initial introduction on a planet. After the Fallen Angels had created and brought forth upon the planet the first Alien members, certain of the Aliens were found to have been overzealous and harshly overbearing in actions and treatment of the planet's inhabitants, to the degree that it did cause for God to step-in and completely take away all physical abilities from those Aliens, which did force for their spirit to become completely restricted to the spiritual realm forever. The Aliens did then fully realize their need of a Soul, if they were to possibly ever become able to regain back their physical abilities. In the realizing their need for a Soul, and because mankind is the only creatures in the universe with a spirit that has a Soul, the Aliens did choose to embark upon genetics programs in an effort to seek to duplicate their existence with a Soul. A Soul can only be brought forth through the usage of sexual organs that do exist naturally as part of the basic physical make-up of a physically existing creature. The Aliens knew that God had only afforded His planetary Children to be the only creature given and created with a Soul. Of all the creatures upon planets, or in the universe, only the personal creation of planetary Children by God have a Soul. Planetary Children became the single most important focal point that the Aliens did seek after to investigate & analyze:
• The human ability of their physical body to have a Soul completely.
The Aliens do Not have a vehicle that is able to completely harness and secure the vast power of the spirit to record the information that their physical body is undertaking and producing. • The human ability of their physical body to produce a Soul completely. • The human ability of their physical body to interact with their having of a Soul completely. • The human ability of their physical existence to interact with a Soul completely. • The human ability of their mind & spirit to function with a Soul completely. The Soul is the vehicle that is able to preserve the information eternally, rather than allow that information to dissipate. In not having any sexual organs, and because the sexual organs are the vehicle God uses to produce & fertilize the egg that is used to initiate the development of a Soul, neither are Aliens able to have any possible way to naturally create a Soul as man created by God naturally does produce. The Aliens seek to use cloning to hopefully create a living creature with a Soul, because their physical existence does Not have a Soul. They hope to be able to clone a physical body with a Soul:
• To be able to personally inhabit.
Animal creatures upon the planet that are not of mankind creativity do not have a Soul, the Aliens still have needed physical ingredients that can be used for experimentation purposes from animals creatures:• To be able to ward off short-term existence in the universe. • To not have to always be faced with the inevitability of complete death. • To hopefully make themselves equal to holding the same glories as was given to mankind created by God. • To hopefully be able to offer their Fallen Angel "parents" the glory of an Eternal Living Life through a Soul that God had not created their initial Angelic beings with.
• Such as sexual organs that can be used within experimental applications in the possible cloning a suitable device that can reproduce a Soul.
• Such as wombs that are needed for a Soul to become viable in its initial promotion and creativity of a Soul. • Such as organs that they already realize do donate hormonal additives needed to secure the growth and protection of a Soul. • Such as blood compositions that can be used in testing the variables that exist within, and between certain species of clones they have created using non-human DNA. Since mankind is the only living creature that has been created by God to ever physically have a Soul, so are planetary individuals looked upon by the Aliens as the most favorable vehicle for:
• Gaining general information of a Soul that could lead to possibly being able to clone for themselves a Soul.
The Aliens have never found, or had any success within their undertaking to duplicate a Soul.• Gaining information through the trial and error usages of experimentation for seeing their successes & failure in their efforts at possible cloning beings that have a Soul. God does ensure that no other creature in the universe could have the physical and spiritual capability to create a Soul. Only God has the know-how and ability to create a Soul. The physical living body of each living creature does have a spirit, even the Alien cloned "children". All living existence has a spirit of its own. The Alien "children" do have a spirit that holds many of the commonalities that the Fallen Angel "parents" have. The Aliens do have a spirit much like their Fallen Angel "parents" that does Not seek, nor desire to accord Goodly, or Godly mannerisms. The Aliens are not very advanced in the usage of their spirit as they are not creatures that rely upon their spirit for the overall survival of a Soul. Spirituality, or its advancement is not, and has not held any employment of need for them. The Aliens have little desire for the understanding of spiritual matters, and show preference to mainly the physical glories for three (3) reasons. -1- Any form of spiritual knowledge, or even ability does not attain any benefit from God. -2- Any form of spiritual understanding does not allow for them to attain a Soul. -3- Their spirit does lack the one ingredient (soul) that does allow them to use it as a vehicle through which to advance their existence. Their Fallen Angel "parents" did choose to disregard and overlook God their Creator, and the trust held by Him in them with His planned workings, the Aliens are also found at times to be untrustworthy in their treatment of planetary individuals which does place their plans and agenda in jeopardy. The Aliens do not have political views. They do realize that as a group they are all under the same set condemnation and end. The Aliens do not have religious views. They do realize that as a group they are all under the same set condemnation and end.
2 Corinthians 2:11 (Page 2) Alien Make-up ![]() ![]() ![]() |