Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as... cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials.
The Aliens seek to establish on wayward planets many deceptions that are specially designed to cause individuals to consider Angels to be Sons of God.
• That Angels do not have to explore a universe that they witnessed the very birth of.
Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that come from another dimension.• That Angels do not have to explore a planet that they witnessed the very birth of. • That God does not need to have Angels explore the universe or planetary societies that are part of His very Living Being. Aliens become successful in the implanting of these deceptions. Due to the fact that wayward individuals do not have enough ability or knowledge of their surroundings to truly be able to realize that dimensions are for travel, not for habitation. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that have come to their planet from Heaven, and then return to Heaven when they finish their task on a wayward planet. Aliens become successful in the implanting of these deceptions. Due to the fact that wayward individuals do not have enough knowledge of Good or Heavenly things relevant to Angels to be able to realize that Angels do very rarely openly make themselves seen by a wayward planets very own inhabitants:
• And neither do they live upon wayward planets for some many centuries before returning to Heaven.
• And neither do they remain on the planet for many years after completing a task before returning to Heaven. • And neither do they spend even centuries seeing to the success of God's planned working before returning to Heaven. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that are merely seeking to establish an open dialogue with their communities. Wayward planet's inhabitants are unable to truly recognize that the dialogue being sought is for uses of deception and losses made unto an individual's freedoms, which Angels of God never seek open dialogue with communities. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that are seeking to establish an open dialogues with the planet's leaderships. Within this blindness, wayward individuals are unable to recognize, nor differentiate contact with Angelic beings that seek to refrain from contact with beings that are willing to promote, or even partake of those same evils that those leaderships used for gaining of their leadership position. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that have an interest in the choices in sin and its destructiveness which an individual makes, or brings upon themselves. Within this blindness, they are unable to truly recognize, nor differentiate: Contact With
• Angelic beings whose interest lay mainly in seeing to it that they help God in His planned workings upon the planet.
From Contact With • Angelic beings whose interest lies mainly in the securing of God's Righteousness upon the planet. They already know everything that there is necessary for them to know about the planets, communities, or individuals they come in contact with. • Angelic beings whose personal interest in an individual does never go outside of God's interest that does secure the interest of an individual that is in some way connected unto God's planned workings upon the planet. Creatures of being whose actual interest should have become sighted within:
• The willingness to partake in the same promotion of blindness that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of.
Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that are intimately involved in the personal affairs of many individuals. • The willingness to partake in the same deceptive practices that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • The willingness to partake in the same promotion of lies that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • The willingness to partake in the same disassociation from God's Righteousness that the inhabitants of wayward planets do disassociate themselves from. • The willingness to partake in the same ignoring of God that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • The willingness to partake in the same sin that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • The same misuse of freedoms that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. Wayward individuals are unable to truly see that outside of assisting God's planned workings on wayward planets, Angels do hardly ever involve themselves in the personal, or the intimate affairs of individuals upon any planet. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they might possibly be Angels that are willing participants in the same experiences as planetary individuals. The Aliens become successful in the implanting of these deceptions. Due to the fact that wayward individuals do not have enough understanding of God's Righteous Good to be able to realize that Godly Angels are not willing:
• To partake in the promotion of blindness that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of.
• To partake in the deceptive practices that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • To partake in the promotion of lies that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • To partake in the disassociation from God's Righteous Good that the inhabitants of wayward planets do disassociate themselves from. • To partake in ignoring of God and His Righteousness that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • To partake in the sin that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. • To misuse human freedoms that the inhabitants of wayward planets do partake of. The Aliens do seek to employ and influence members of wayward planets with an assortment of deceptions that does persuade individuals to believe them to be the actual Angels viewed within mankind's history. Alien Lies Concerning: GOD The Bible Mankind Evil Satan & His Fallen Angels Themselves
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Lies Concerning Angels Alien Lies ![]() ![]() ![]() |