Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as... cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. The Aliens do produce, use, and employ many endeavors, events, and programs to blind a wayward planet's inhabitants to only be able to form speculations, or theory to question who the Aliens are, or what they are even doing on the planet. The Aliens are very successful within their efforts of limiting their exposure to the very creatures (mankind) they do misuse and seek to exploit. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that they do simply come from some other planetary society that does exist within the universe. They do not tell individuals, nor want them to know that:
• They were not naturally created by God.
Many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they come from another dimension. • Their birth did not naturally come from a planetary creature's womb. • Their creativity came from cloning, not naturally in birth. • Their initiation of existence is not brought forth on planets through a natural physical procreation of male and female creatures. • Their initiation of existence is not brought forth 'From the Dust' of a planetary society. • They were not naturally created on planets by God like mankind is. • They are only allowed to live out their existence long-term on a space craft, or on planets that are very cold, desolate, and void of living life (especially intelligent life). Aliens become successful in the implanting of these deceptions. Due to the fact that wayward individuals do not have the ability, or enough knowledge of their surroundings to truly be able to realize that dimensions are for travel, not for habitation. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that they do come from co-existing, or some parallel dimension. They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that:
• Co-existing parallel realities only exist within the channeling of matter and mind, not the reality of the living physical world.
• Co-existing parallel realities only exist within the abstract, and do not have the actual mechanics, or tools to exist as a living reality that can be attached to living matter. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that they do actually come from the same planet they live on. They do not tell wayward individuals of:
• Any record of their community existing on the planet.
• Any history that they can dictate to justify their claimed planetary heritage. The Aliens seek to cause the inhabitants on wayward planets to believe that they are the beings that several of the early planetary communities considered in their mythologies, or folklore to have been the gods. Such undertakings are established amongst planets early communities, so as to lay foundations to shed doubt and befool later generations of individuals to the reality of God. The Aliens know that by establishing views of themselves as gods within the early communities that:
• They would be more able to spread blindness and distorted views of Good & evil in a greater variety of ways amongst individuals and their communities.
The Aliens could then shed doubt and spread blindness towards the actuality of God and the Good of His Godliness in a greater variety of ways amongst later generations of the communities, so as to be more able to keep the populations from becoming Sons of God.• They would be afforded greater ability to more easily mislead, or dupe individuals and their communities through the usage of their scientific and technological abilities to cause for individuals to look upon them with greater awe. • They would be more able to introduce many false beliefs that could and would deceive, mix-up, and aid to cause a general blindness of, and towards the reality and actuality of evil and sin. The Aliens do introduce to the inhabitants of wayward planets forms of lies that falsely make claims that their species is much like mankind's communities that are alike and diverse, much like mankind themselves. The Aliens do:
• Seek to play upon mankind's diverse communal creativity by God.
If successful, so does a planet's inhabitants become more easily befooled and even led:• Seek to formulate within the heart, soul, or mind of the wayward individuals that they abduct, or through other forms of contact a false sense of equality and diversity amongst what these individuals are able to view as intellectual creatures. • Seek to cause their Abductees to view them as being nothing more than different extraterrestrial life forms from elsewhere in the universe.
• To blindly equate the view of their planetary existence as merely being a reflection of planetary existence throughout the universe.
• To blindly equate the view of possible planetary existence throughout the universe as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. • To blindly equate the view of the Aliens existence as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. • To blindly equate the view of what the Aliens do as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. • To blindly believe that the Aliens are, or might possibly be only out to aid and help them and their wayward planet in general. • To blindly believe that the Aliens are, or might possibly be only out to study their planetary inhabitants and their wayward planet in general. • To blindly believe that the Aliens have no real interest, or reason to spread lies and disinformation concerning them and their wayward planet in general. • To blindly believe that the Aliens are only out to save mankind and their wayward planet from their destruction in general. The Aliens do use the desire of the wayward inhabitants to remain blinded unto God and their sin. In this desire to remain blind unto God and their sin, the Aliens seek to persuade individuals that they are merely a different race of creature in the universe, no different from man. The Aliens do seek to gain success in their believability through using the immediate blindness towards God and His creation of them to persuade individuals to seek out their own avenues by which to give reason and hope to understand their actual creativity without their use of God.
• As knowledge concerning the Aliens is seen to grow and prosper on the planet, wayward individuals do seek a direct physical response that does lack any real faith in God, but can to some degree satisfy and exemplify what they do believe they have learned about themselves and their planetary being.
These evolutionary inquisitions do hold no actual key to truly define any real reason for their existence and their creativity, and does cause for their loss of faith in God to increase.• Within their loss of faith in God, wayward individuals do seek to establish overall evolutionary inquisitions that do and can truly explain and validate only portions of what they are seeking to understand about their existence and their creativity. The Aliens seek to establish on wayward planets many deceptions that are specially designed to cause individuals to consider Aliens:
• As being some highly evolved creature that lives in the universe.
Within their blindness, wayward individuals do not realize that though evolution may apply to the temporary closing stages within some planetary development over a short period of time as surrounding environments play off surroundings to bring forth limited change. • As being some highly evolved creature that comes from another planet in the universe. • As being some highly evolved creature that came about because they evolved from different matter & processes. The fact is; Angels instantaneously are created by God with no environment surrounding them to influence any change. Many of members on wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive view put forth by some Aliens that they are one humanoid member of just one species of the humanoid creatures existing within the universe that are called Greys. Individuals on wayward planets ignore, or overlook:
• That though they seem humanoid, they are not human.
• That though they look humanoid, they were not created by God. • That though they have traveled to & fro the planet, even amongst humans for many thousands of years, they have not sought to freely make open contact with humans outside of using programs that promote kidnapping, abduction, experimentation, and deception. The Aliens do neglect to point out three (3) important realities of the Alien's physical and spiritual make-up that forms the foundation for direction for, in, and surrounding existence. -1- Because Aliens have different creators, so do their physical and spiritual directions in existence differ considerably from other creatures. -2- Because Aliens had been created by Fallen Angels in their image, so do they physically and spiritually reflect a lesser glory in physical being in the universe, as the Fallen Angels are restricted to. -3-Because Aliens have been created by Fallen Angels in their image, so are they only able to physically and spiritually use & reflect the lesser glory of a short-term being that evil does afford. The Aliens use the existing ability of fossil records that the inhabitants on wayward planets use to track temporary growth and direction that plant and animal life does naturally take on. They do gather many fossil records to persuade and cause wayward individuals to believe:
• That they are beings similar to human beings, even though they come from other planetary societies.
Aliens simply seek to gain an acceptance of such views & beliefs through using:• That they are beings whose planet evolves around a solar system and sun, even though they come from other planetary societies. • That they are beings that came into being by Chance, even though they come from other planetary societies. • That they are beings that evolved on their planets, as human beings did, even though they come from other planetary societies.
• The different races of human beings existing on the planet as a foundation to establish a view & belief that Aliens promote as the sharing of a oneness that is established likewise on universal scales.
Aliens simply seek to gain an acceptance of such views & beliefs to befool:
• Wayward individuals into blindly equating the view of their planetary existence as merely being a reflection of planetary existence throughout the universe.
• Wayward individuals into blindly equating the view of possible planetary existence throughout the universe as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. • Wayward individuals into blindly equating the view of the Aliens existence as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. • Wayward individuals into blindly equating the view of what the Aliens do as merely being a reflection of their planetary existence. The Aliens do introduce to the inhabitants of wayward planets forms of lies that falsely make claims that they are actually the Angels of myths & folklore. When in actuality the Aliens are creatures that the Fallen Angels originally created (cloned) to represent the Fallen Angels in the universe. Some Aliens do seek to persuade the planet's inhabitants:
• That there is no Satan.
• That there are no Fallen Angels. • That they are Angels. The Aliens do introduce to the inhabitants of wayward planets forms of lies that falsely make claims that they actually do care about the existence of mankind. They have been associating with wayward planet's individuals and communities for thousands of years with only the most minimal degree of inter-action, and haven't shown any care for the individuals they meet. Due to the fact:
• That mankind is initially created by God in His Image, and they are not.
The Aliens hate mankind like their parent creators (Fallen Angels). • That mankind created by God has a Soul, and they do not. • That mankind with a Soul can attain Salvation, and they cannot. Wayward individuals hold an inability to be able to truly sight, face, and act upon the actual existence, or knowledge that is God, because of their inability, or lack of desire to know God. Such individuals seek to fall-prey-to lies put forth by Aliens about their creation. Individuals use the lies to devise their own reality of a creator that is less intrusive & more acceptable. Within this inability, or lack of desire to know God, they allow more liberal attitudes towards their sinfulness. Allowing them:
• To not have to truly sight their inability towards sin.
Allowing them:• To not have to truly accept the reality, or actuality of their inabilities towards sin. • To not have to truly face the reality, or actuality of their sin. • To not have to truly act on the reality, or actuality of their inabilities and sin.
• To find ways by which to justify their ill-knowledge and stupidity.
• To find ways to remain satisfied in not sighting their ill-knowledge and stupidity. • To find ways to not sight their desire to not see the truth. • To find ways to remain satisfied in not sighting their desire to not see the truth. • To find ways to not sight their want to not see the truth. • To find ways to remain satisfied in not sighting their want to not face the truth. • To find ways to not sight their blindness of Jesus Christ being God. • To find ways to remain satisfied in not sighting their allowed blindness of Jesus Christ being God. The inhabitants of wayward planets become less able to realize the reality of what Entities actually are, or even how to differentiate their existence when they make themselves known, because of a lack of spiritual knowledge. The Aliens do use such to seek to pass themselves off as being an Entity, or just some form of Entity upon wayward planets. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are beings that have equally suffered and gone through much of the same planetary experiences to get to the same place in existence that mankind has experienced, or does seek. They are able to draw wayward individuals into a false security that allows Aliens to justify themselves & their agenda. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets to consider them as being simply explorers that are exploring the universe in search of other planets & beings:
• That do have intelligent life living on them.
They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that they have been associating with the planet's inhabitants for thousands of years to establish their agenda.• To aid and help them and their planet in general. • To study individuals and their planet in general. • To understand, or even know them better. Many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by many Aliens that they are seeking to give aid to mankind through the affording of them technological gifts for advancement and betterment of existence in general. Aliens become successful in the implanting of these deceptions, because the wayward individuals that are given such gifts care more for their own possible gains from the gifts, more than the demise that they will bring upon their planetary inhabitance in the usage of such gifts that their sin will cause. The Aliens do introduce to the inhabitants of wayward planets forms of lies that falsely make claims that they are actually the beings of "Higher Power" that the planet's inhabitants do call gods:
• That are responsible for the genetic creativity of mankind.
In doing so:• That are responsible for the knowledge, or progress that mankind has made. • That are responsible for many of the undertakings that surround religions, or what have become viewed as religious undertakings amongst man's communities.
• They raise the possibility of such a reality existing amongst already blinded individuals that have no real understanding of who they are.
• They form directions for question amongst already blinded individuals that have no real knowledge of Aliens whatsoever. • They employ deeper questioning amongst already blinded individuals that have no direct information of the actual Alien intent, or what they are actually doing. • They are able to initiate endeavors amongst already blinded individuals to be more deeply befool, shed doubt, give question, or spread blindness to the reality of God, Angels, and even the existence of the wayward individuals themselves. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that the things they do are Godly, due to the fact that Godliness is an ideal and not a representation of God, or of what mankind was ever meant to represent in existence. Aliens merely do seek to justify the evil they do undertake on wayward planets to the degree that individuals view Godliness with less value. The Aliens do introduce to the inhabitants of wayward planets forms of lies that falsely make claims that they are actually Good, and whatever they have done upon their planet has been done to:
• Simply aid, or better man's existence.
All the time omitting the vast:• Simply assist man to prosper. • Simply help mankind for their Good.
• Evils & sin that they have been directly responsible for all along.
And even more!• Demises brought upon individuals & communities that they have been directly responsible for all along. • Destructions of individuals & communities that they have been directly responsible for all along. • Undertaken kidnapping of individuals that they have been directly responsible for all along. • Undertaken experimentations upon individuals that they have been directly responsible for all along. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets they actually:
• Have psychic abilities.
They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that psychic abilities do hold:• That their psychic abilities allow them to be able to sight spiritual matters. • That their psychic abilities allow them the ability to sight the future. • That they are very experienced in the usage of their psychic abilities. • That individuals hold very similar psychic abilities.
• Grave dangers for any wayward individual, because of their inexperience.
• Grave dangers for wayward individuals that seek to use it to prosper evil, or sin. • Grave dangers for wayward individuals that seek to freely use it on, or against other individuals. • Grave dangers for wayward individuals that seek to use them to influence other individuals. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are to some extent very religious minded in their beliefs and views. They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that they do only attest to such so to make individuals feel comfortable enough to be more acceptable of distorted religious beliefs that do prosper religion that has no need of God. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets to believe that they are trustworthy. They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that like their Fallen Angel creators that did choose to disregard and ignore God their Creator, and the trust held by Him in them, so are they found to also be untrustworthy in their treatment of mankind. Many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by many Aliens that some of them may look and seem to be mean, vicious, and evil creatures while at the same time view other Aliens to actually be nicer. They do not tell wayward individuals, nor want them to know that:
• Wayward individuals do not have enough experience dealing with the Aliens over long-term periods upon the planet to truly sight the disasters that they (Aliens) have successfully caused in history.
• Wayward individuals do not have enough experience dealing with the Aliens to know that all Aliens are children of Fallen Angels that seek the same end results of all mankind... demise & destruction. • Wayward individuals do not have enough experience dealing with the Aliens to know that All Aliens do seek the same evil agenda.
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Lies Concerning Them Alien Lies ![]() ![]() ![]() |