Just as God created His Children to manifest His Image and Existence in the universe, the Fallen Angels did likewise bring forth "children" in their effort to reflect an image of themselves in the universe.
Fallen Angels cannot reproduce as mankind is able to. Fallen Angels that were once Angels were not created with reproductive organs. Fallen Angels had to create their "children" through what wayward science refers to as... cloning. Satan does mimic God by establishing his own kingdom of "children" through this process known as cloning. These imaged "children" that the Fallen Angels do create are known to mankind of earth as... Aliens or Extraterrestrials. The Aliens become able to attain a deep degree of success in blinding many of the inhabitants on wayward planets from being able to sight, know, or realize the actuality of themselves, and existence through:
• The usage of cunningly introduced forms of blindness into mankind's communities towards God that are a make-up of various views that distort His Being and Existence, and His Image of Himself within their being and existence.
Enough to cause for mankind's own understanding of themselves to follow avenues where:• The usage of subtly introduced forms of blindness that effect and surround mankind's existence with many various deceptions and falsehoods concerning the actuality of their glories given them by God, or the things of God and His Righteous Good that do give far greater value to them, and the glories of their individual and planetary existence.
• They do begin to disbelieve in the things of God that actually make their existence truly valuable.
• They do begin to discount God's value to their existence. • They do begin to dismiss God's value to their abilities and power. • They do begin to disassociate themselves from the Glories of God's Righteous Good being tied to their existence, abilities, or power. • They do begin to become puffed-up with their gain of knowledge. The Aliens seek to establish on wayward planets deep deceptions of mankind's beginnings and existence amongst the planets individuals and communities:
• So that they do become less able to sight their actual beginning creativity, or purpose for being created upon the planet, or in the universe.
• So that they become less able to see how to direct their existence with the things of God needed to successfully survive. The Aliens seek to establish on wayward planets deep deceptions of man's gain of knowledge, and the actuality of capabilities they do attain in their usage of them. The Aliens do seek to employ on wayward planets evil employments and endeavors that cause for the gain of capability and knowledge to be greatly gained through deceptions of evil and destruction. These evil employments and endeavors are used to cause for the wayward planet's inhabitants to view their gain of capabilities through their usage of evil and sin to become viewed in light of lesser concern for the Good that can more fully ensure survival. Aliens simply promote grave lies of creation that inter-mix truths that do use:
• Distorted views on creation that do simplify need enough to discount the actual need of the intelligence needed and used to create existence & themselves.
• Distorted views concerning creation that do simplify need enough to discount the actual need of any existing direction needed to create existence & themselves. • Distorted views of creation that lessen the need for attachments to God, so as to simplify their lack of ability to understand the knowledge God used to create existence & themselves. • Distorted views surrounding the purpose for the creation of existence & themselves known as Chance & Evolution that justify their existence in the universe through the ignoring of some very important basic facts in existence, if not truthfully faced they can only become exonerated through the employment of lies. The Aliens have knowledge of science that does far exceed that of the inhabitants of any wayward planet. They use that knowledge to persuade and cause wayward individuals to look on God's creation of existence and themselves as simply having come into being by some mere fluke of Chance. The Aliens do not want wayward individuals to sight that Chance: Was Not A Factor
• In the creation of the Time & Space that would be used as a foundation to initiate the universe with.
Chance did in only limited fashions become a factor for very short spans of time that had little or nothing to do in, or with the long-term intended direction of creation on the planet.• In the creating of a single energy form that would be used to fill and surround the void of Time & Space with an energy that had the ability and power to allow the existence of Time & Space to become given the dimensions it would need to secure existence. • In the creation of all the forms of sub-matter that was used to fill the empty Time & Space that initially existed as a foundation for the universe. • In the forming of sub-matter into different forms of matter that would inhabit the universe. • In the forming of boundaries within creation that would allow different forms of matter to not only inhabit, but co-exist in the universe. • In the securing of a planet within a solar system in an exact and precise orbit and distance from a central sun that could be used to afford the planet abilities to produce and retain atmospheres needed to secure the creation of living life. • In the creating and securing of a complex, but delicate balance of exacted introductions of chemical creations and changes both within atmospheric and planetary occurrences designed to allow living life to be created and secured. The Aliens have knowledge of science that does far exceed that of the inhabitants of any wayward planet. They use that knowledge to persuade and cause wayward individuals to look on God's creation of existence and themselves to be controlled within some natural selection within nature that the wayward do refer to as... Evolution. The Aliens do not want wayward individuals to sight that Evolution: Was Not A Factor
• In the forming of a special solar system that would be used as a foundation to initiate living life in.
Evolution itself cannot produce the changes, nor the number of species producing creatures needed to secure the survival of a species of creature.• In the forming of a body of planets around a sun that would be given special properties & abilities that would be used to afford the development and enhancement of living life upon a single planet that would have living life placed upon it. • In the forming of a body of planets that would be given special orbits that would form and dictate different interactions of gravity, all meant to be placed in orbital and gravitational patterns that could protect a single planet that would have living life placed upon it. The Aliens do neglect to point out three (3) important realities of mankind's spiritual make-up that forms the foundation for direction for, in, and surrounding existence. -1- Because mankind has been created by God to become Children of God, so are their spiritual directions in existence considerably different from other creatures. -2- Because mankind has been created by God in His Image, so do they spiritually exact a likened dominion upon planetary societies like God's Dominion throughout the universe. -3- Because mankind has been created by God in His Image, so are they able to spiritually use & reflect God's Glory and Power of Good to the degree that they can become afforded by Good through God long-term prosperity and eternal living life. The Aliens do not want, nor seek to help any individual upon any wayward planet to sight, or realize their actual true and full potential in God. Their only actual help is seen in their affording the individuals of wayward planets to only become able:
• To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of intellect.
• To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of technological understanding. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of scientific understanding. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of planetary intellect. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of universal insight. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of freedom for the planets inhabitants. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of enough knowledge or ability to cause their communities to become better physically. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of enough knowledge or ability to cause their communities to become better spiritually. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of Goodly intellect. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of moral or social intellects. • To sight or attain short-term potential for the gaining of Goodly mannerism. Aliens do seek to blind the inhabitants of the wayward planet from being able to sight this truth through their employing of endeavors in their agenda that hides this truth & knowledge within an inter-mixing of this truth with a variety of distorted lies that do subtly seek to persuade the entirety of the planet that this truth is a lie. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that there is a physical direction within existence that is naturally shared by all intellectual beings, or creatures of/within the universe. They do neglect to also inform those same individuals certain extremely important realities: -1- Because mankind has been created by God as Children of God, so are their physical directions in existence considerably different from other creatures. -2- Because mankind has been created by God in His Image, so do they physically exact a likened dominion upon planetary societies like God's Dominion throughout the universe. -3- Because mankind has been created by God in His Image, so are they able to physically use & reflect God's Glory and Power of Good to the degree that they can become afforded by Good through God long term prosperity and eternal living life. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they do share a oneness with them throughout the universe. When in actuality they were not created by God in His Image like mankind, and cannot share such oneness. Aliens are ungodly, and only share oneness with likened creatures of ungodliness. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that intellect is shared by all creatures that do have intellect within the universe. Yet, what they neglect to tell all the planet's inhabitants is mankind's direction is unlike any other. Simply because it has been created and exacted in the Image of God, and mankind's creativity is far different from directions in, or for existence than any creatures, or beings that are not exacted in that very Image of God. The Aliens seek to influence the inhabitants of wayward planets with many views and beliefs that their purpose for existence is shared by the same purpose that all creatures within the universe do have. Aliens do neglect to tell those individuals that mankind's purpose in existence is unlike any other creature within the universe. Mankind's purpose is dictated and exacted by the very Image of God that they were created in and with to serve and represent God as Sons of God. The Aliens seek to promote false information amongst the inhabitants of wayward planets to seek to persuade them to believe that God and them (Aliens) are part of the same reality, or their being God themselves. They seek to use such falsehood to:
• Give wayward individuals a sense of false hope within themselves in anything they do.
• Give wayward individuals reason to question their view of God. • Give wayward individuals reason to question their need of/for God. • Cause wayward individuals to become more easily befooled into believing that the Aliens might actually be gods. The Aliens do aid, or even promote endeavors that do seek to deeply blind the inhabitants or the communities of the wayward planets unto the actuality of sin and its application. The Aliens are responsible for choosing to establish and bring upon individuals destruction through a spreading of a vast variety of lies. The Aliens seek to spread the lies, because they know that the blindness that individuals & communities do attain towards sin does allow wayward individuals to face far lesser:
• Ability to know the actuality of sin.
• Ability to distinguish the actuality of sin in their lives. • Ability to sight the Salvation from sin that God Personally brought forth being Jesus Christ. • Ability to question or detect the Aliens real purpose & agenda surrounding sin within the communities upon their wayward planet. The Aliens do aid, or even promote endeavors that do seek to deeply blind the inhabitants and communities of wayward planets unto God's Promise and brought forth fulfillment of eternal living life through their spreading of a variety of religious & non-religious lies. The Aliens seek to spread the lies, because they know that the blindness that individuals & communities have towards eternal life will also serve to help cause:
• Wayward individuals to sight less their ability to gain from God eternal living life.
• Wayward individuals to sight less their ability to desire to see the things necessary to gain from God eternal living life. • Wayward individuals to not realize the true depth of evil within and concerning the Aliens. The Aliens do promote far more views within wayward individual's minds that can, or do cause for wayward individuals:
• To view their creation with a lesser value.
• To view their existence with a lesser value. • To view the existence surrounding them with a lesser value. • To view the importance of things within their immediate existence with greater value. • To view the importance of eternal things with a lesser hope or value. The Aliens sometimes do state to certain individuals that they have contact with upon wayward planets that they are embarking on beneficial programs that do:
• Seek to aid and assist individuals & communities to better their existence with.
• Seek gain information & knowledge about individuals so they can learn how to aid and assist mankind for survival. • Seek gain information & knowledge about individuals so they can hopefully learn how to aid and assist their own (Alien) survival. They forget to deeply address, or often seek to leave out an important fact. The knowledge they do seek is the knowledge that only mankind's physical body is holding that may allow them the ability to duplicate God's creativity of a Soul that only mankind created in His Image have. The Aliens seek to persuade as many inhabitants on wayward planets as possible that what they are doing is for the benefit of mankind upon their planet. They do forget to tell wayward individuals of:
• How hiding themselves in different ways is actually benefiting a planet's inhabitants.
• How hiding themselves in different ways is actually benefiting a planet's communities. • How abducting individuals against their will is actually benefiting individuals. • How abducting individuals against their will is actually benefiting the human race. • How the experimenting on individuals against their will is actually benefiting individuals. • How experimenting on individuals against their will is actually benefiting the human race. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants on wayward planets that they are seeking to learn about mankind. They do forget to tell wayward individuals that they have been traveling to and about their planet since almost the very beginning of the creation of mankind upon their planet:
• And already have learned all the universal intellects and abilities that wayward individuals do have, or seek to attain within their existence.
• And already have sighted all the things that wayward individuals have done within their existence and prosperities on their planet. • And already have sighted all the things that wayward individuals have within their past histories undertaken, or will do, and go through in their near future. • And already know the futilities, or possible gratification that wayward individuals feel, or have attain. • And already have sighted what knowledge has, or has not brought success or destruction to wayward individuals. The Aliens are able to promote and establish amongst many of the planet's members that they are seeking to welcome them into a greater awareness of their reality within the universe. They do forget to tell wayward individuals of:
• How they have been using wayward blindness towards them, and involved within mankind's alteration of their planetary time line that increases, or decreases according to their involvement and treatment of planetary glories.
• How they have been using wayward blindness towards their leaderships in their usage of evil does hide awareness in sin, rather than the awareness of God, His Good and Righteousness. • How they have been using wayward blindness towards their leaderships in their evil usage of greed does allow their communities to become sold out for sin, rather than becoming made aware of free cost of Good provided by God. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they actually seek to aid them. Within this blindness, Aliens seek to direct man's trust and view of them enough to cause them to become less able to recognize, or differentiate those evil devices that Aliens promote that do not seek to ensure their success upon their planet from the things of God's Good and Righteousness that seek to establish success. Within their blindness, many members of wayward planets allow themselves to fall-prey-to the deceptive views put forth by some Aliens that they seek to aid mankind's survival. Through the usage of many of the Alien's employed endeavors, events, or programs that they produce, so do wayward individuals become less:
• Able to truly see that their survival has been shortened by sin and its waywardness.
• Able to thwart the demise & destruction which sin and its waywardness does slowly bring forth upon their planet to shorten their living existence. • Able to sight and accord the necessary spiritual and physical things needed to be successful enough to survive long-term (eternally) in the universe. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to give aid and assistance to them within their affording scientific and technological wonderments that will allow them to deeply advance their scientific and technological abilities. They do forget to tell wayward individuals of the grave dangers that such abilities will present their planet, if any application of sin is used to prosper those given wonderments on their planet. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to give aid and assistance to their survival on the planet, and in the universe. They do forget to tell wayward individuals that their survival is actually tied to their ability to know God, His Good and Righteousness. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to help the planet's inhabitants to create a New Heaven and New Earth that will be free of the many things of God-like claims that has burdened the planet with restrictions of Good and evil, because it will be of man's own making. They do forget to tell wayward individuals that such will be a New Heaven & Earth:
• That will decide what Is Good, and what is evil.
AND SO FORTH!• That will decide what should live, or what should die. • That will decide what is right, or what is not right. • That will decide what individuals will believe in, or what individuals will not believe in. • That will decide what is a human being, and what is not a human being. • That will decide how individuals will exist, and how individuals will not exist. • That will decide what individuals will believe, and what individuals will not believe. • That will decide what individuals will see, and what individuals will not see. • That will decide what individuals will own, and what individuals will not own. • That will decide what individuals will eat, and what individuals will not eat. • That will decide what individuals will do, and what individuals will not do. • That will decide what individuals will have pleasure in, and what individuals will not have pleasure in. • That will decide how many individuals will exist, and how many individuals will not exist. • That will decide what individuals will be able to buy, or sell and what individuals will not be able to buy or sell. • That will decide what individuals will have their physical being altered, and what individuals will not have their physical being altered. • That will decide what individuals will have glory, and what individuals will not have glory. • That will decide what freedom is for individuals, and what freedom is not for individuals. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to help them establish a far greater self awareness of themselves, and existence upon their planet. They do forget to tell wayward individuals that their awareness will actually be far less aware of the Glory they were initially created with, and more aware of the glories surrounding sin and destruction. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to help them to establish a New Age:
• Of planetary transformation.
They do forget to tell wayward individuals that this New Age is what will alter what it means to be human for most all human beings on wayward planets.• Of planetary hope. • Of planetary thought. • Of planetary knowledge. • Of planetary understanding. • Of spiritual discernment for the planet's inhabitants. The Aliens seek to persuade the inhabitants of wayward planets that they are seeking to help them in bringing forth prosperity for all the planet's inhabitants. They do forget to tell wayward individuals that it will not be a form of prosperity that will allow any individual to have ability beyond those that the Aliens have. The Aliens are found to make claims to the inhabitants of wayward planets that they want for them to truly know & understand them (Aliens) better. Actually they prefer wayward individuals to know as little about them as possible. The Aliens do know that mankind:
• Are initially created by God in His Image.
The Aliens do know that they:• Actually have the ability through God to aid, better, or help bring prosperity to them. • Actually have the ability through God to aid, better, or help bring greater prosperity to them than they do to themselves.
• Are initially created by Fallen Angels and in their image.
If they can keep hid from the eyes of mankind this truth about themselves, so can they also keep hid an individual's God given abilities to aid, better, or help bring prosperity unto other individuals.
• Actually have little ability to aid, better, or help bring prosperity to them. • Actually have little ability to aid, better, or help bring greater prosperity to them. Alien Lies Concerning: GOD The Bible Angels Evil Satan & His Fallen Angels Themselves
2 Corinthians 2:11 Alien Lies Concerning Mankind Alien Lies ![]() ![]() ![]() |